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A place to search for recipes, submit your own recipe or just simply join in with our other community members and talk about food Join Now

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Using the ThaiCooking.club website, you can follow recipes from our community of users or submit your own recipe for others to follow.
A Cooking Companion

With ThaiCooking.club you can add recipes and then view them in full-screen mode for an easy cooking companion in the kitchen. Better yet, share with friends & family so they can cook along!

Follow members recipes

All our community members are uploading their own recipes that they wish to share with you. If you like their recipes or think you can improve on it you can let them know, this is a community of food lovers who want to get the best tasting food possible.

Building a Community

With ThaiCooking.club, you can create your own community of recipe authors and food lovers. You can submit recipes, rate and review, and create personal favourites lists.

Top Rated Recipes
Red Flannel HashBy jAMeSRed flannel hash is just corned beef hash with the addition of beets. It’s traditionally made in New England for breakfast, with leftovers from a boiled dinner the night before, and gets its name from the somewhat obvious similarity of its colors to red flannel plaid cloth.
The Ultimate Peanut Butter Sandwich CookiesBy jAMeSA sandwich cookie takes more effort than a drop cookie, because you have to make both cookies and filling. In addition, this recipe involves a chilling step and requires the cookies to be double-panned. But the results are worth it for the best-textured peanut butter cookie with the creamiest peanut filling.
Kale Salad with Pinenuts, Currants and ParmesanBy jAMeSIn a surprising twist, Tuscan kale is served raw—and makes for a substantial and satisfying winter salad. Be sure to choose bunches of Tuscan kale with small leaves, which are more tender.
A place for people to share recipes
Using ThaiCooking.club will allow you to follow other community members recipes, lets you submit your own recipes or just join in the fun with our food loving community